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Please go to http://www.nola.gov/ready/alert/ and sign up for emergency notifications.
PSC Tornado Warning Procedures
By definition a tornado warning is an alert by the National Weather Service confirming a tornado sighting and location. The Weather Service will announce the approximate time of detection and direction of movement. Winds will be 75 mph or greater.
If you are in your suite:
- Move away from the perimeter of the building and exterior glass.
- Leave your exterior office. Close the door.
- Go to the center of the corridor of the building (the main corridor).
- Sit down in the corridor and protect yourself by putting your head as close to your lap as possible, or kneel protecting your head.
If you are in transit in the building
- Use the stairwell for shelter.
- Do not go to the first floor lobby or outside the building.
If you are Caught in an outside perimeter office:
- Seek protection under a desk.
PSC Hurricane Procedures
If there is a threat of hurricane or tropical storm, please remember that Place St. Charles is NOT A SHELTER. In an emergency situation there are many opportunities of risk; interruption of electrical services, resulting in loss of lights, A/C, elevator service, etc. Flood waters could impact the sewerage and water board’s ability to supply minimum water pressure causing loss of fire protection and water service including sinks, toilets, urinals and drinking water. Additional services not available will include janitorial, restroom supplies and engineering staff.
- Upon lock down, all elevator service will stop. Elevators will be disengaged as part of the storm protection procedures.
- Notification will be made for closure of the garage to transient and contract parkers. Upon closure to contract parkers, the roll down gates at the entrance and the exits to the garage will be lowered and locked. Tenants will be unable to retrieve vehicles remaining until management re-opens the building and the garage.
- Notification will be made as to the time frame for lock down of the building. Upon lock down, all entrance doors on the first floor and second floor will be locked.
- If there is a mandatory evacuation ordered for the city of New Orleans, the mandatory evacuation notice will serve as the announcement of the closure of Place St. Charles, without further notice from the management office. The garage will be closed and the building will be locked down immediately.